Header 1, Header 1 italic, Header 2 bold
Header 2, Header 1 italic, Header 2 bold
Header 3, Header 3 italic, Header 3 bold
Header 4, Header 4 italic, Header 4 bold
Paragraph 1, Paragraph 1 italic, Paragraph 1 bold
list item 1
list item 2
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Paragraph 2, Paragraph 2 italic, Paragraph 2 bold
Paragraph 3, Paragraph 3 italic, Paragraph 3 bold
Flexbox - Testing 1
Gesso enjoys working with full of heart businesses and seeks to inspire adventure and exploration in the work they produce. These are some of our recent design partnerships:
Nereids Biomaterials
The women at Nereids Biomaterials have developed biodegradable plastic solutions that will help decrease the footprint of gathering necessary ocean data.
Husk Homes
A look into the naming, branding, print and digital collateral development for a custom home builder establishing their roots here in the midwest.
Section Styles full-width inset-image
Body copy goes here. body copy goes here.
Body copy goes here. body copy goes here.
Body copy goes here. body copy goes here.